Rilakkuma Peanut Butter & Blueberry Jam Sandwich


Rilakkuma Peanut Butter & Blueberry Jam Sandwich!

A peanut butter & jelly sandwich has always been a staple for many households across generations. I thought I would take this classic sandwich and add a beary cute twist to it!


I have attached links for some of the ingredients that I used below.


  1. Use a knife and spread the peanut butter from top to bottom. Remember to alternate between colours. For example:

    1. Peanut Butter, Jam, Peanut Butter, Jam - Row #1

    2. Jam, Peanut Butter, Jam, Peanut Butter - Row #2

  2. Continue to alternate until the slice of bread is covered.

  3. Use a toothpick and peanut butter to draw Rilakkuma’s ears.

  4. Take melted white chocolate and draw Rilakkuma’s nose by drawing an oval.

  5. Take melted dark chocolate to draw in the two eyes and the little nose dot.


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Miffy Cream Cheese & Blueberry Jam Toast


Rilakkuma & Brown Peanut Butter/Nutella Sandwich