Holiday Rilakkuma Checkered PB&J


Peanut butter and jam make such an amazing duo. This Rilakkuma bread is super delicious and fun to eat. You have to try this holiday-themed bread idea and Rilakkuma food art.


I have attached links for some of the ingredients that I used below.

  1. Use the back of your spoon and spread your peanut butter and jam. Remember to alternate between the colours.

  2. Continue to alternate until the slice of bread is covered.

  3. Take a toothpick and peanut butter to draw Rilakkuma’s ears.

  1. Take melted white chocolate and draw an oval.

  2. Take a red sprinkle to make the little nose dot.

  3. Take melted dark chocolate and draw on Rilakkuma’s eyes and the reindeer antlers.


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Reindeer Rilakkuma Chocolate Pretzel Sticks


Ice Bear Checkered/Wave Toast