Rilakkuma & Brown Peanut Butter/Nutella Sandwich


Who else loves Rilakkuma and Brown from Line Friends? I sure do, and thought I would turn two of my favourites into a yummy snack!


  • Slice of Bread

  • Peanut Butter

  • Nutella

  • Dark Chocolate

  • White Chocolate

  • Milk Chocolate


  1. Let’s divide our slice of bread horizontally into 2 sections. One for peanut butter and one for Nutella.

  2. At the top of the peanut butter, use your knife and create two peanut butter balls (those will be for the ears). Do the same for the Nutella section.

  3. Take melted white chocolate and draw Rilakkuma’s nose by drawing an oval.

  4. Take melted dark chocolate to draw in the two eyes, the little nose dot, and the smile.

  5. Take melted milk chocolate and draw a vertical oval.

  6. Use melted dark chocolate to draw on Brown’s eyes right on top of the oval.

  7. Use melted dark chocolate to draw an upside-down triangle, a line straight down, and 2 diagonal lines for the mouth.


Rilakkuma Peanut Butter & Blueberry Jam Sandwich


Cute PB&J Sandwich